Saturday, December 29, 2012


This is a list of lessons that I have learned either recently or over my years of cooking and baking:

1. If someone says "the bigger the risk, the bigger reward"... think not once, not twice, but over and over again about it. What I've learned is bigger the risk, the bigger of a headache, loss, and heartache. The person that says that to you might have some kind of stake in the comment- even if it is they are living vicariously through you.... Ask them why they aren't doing it if the reward will be so great! I'm pretty confident a key to success is minimum risk with great reward- don't let the excitement of the moment conflict you.

2. There are very few things in life that are important. Money is not. Money is a result of doing what you love with a purpose and meaning. If someone has money without those two things- they may appear to be enjoying their wealth, but that are not satisfied and have an eternal hunger that will never be filled.

3. Some of the most precious moments come in just the little things... this surprise bouquet from my amazing sons and beautiful daughter (daughter-in-law, but couldn't love her more if she was my own) was the single biggest blessing of my Christmas.

4. And because I am suppose to be chatting about cooking and baking- when creaming ingredients such as butter, sugar, and eggs- beat or whip your butter first, slowly add the sugar, and then add one egg at a time. Too many ingredients all combined together with non-similar textures will result in a lumpy combination.

5. Don't judge someone else. It is so easy to pick apart their faults or shortcomings, but if the truth be told- for every one thing you can think of that they have done wrong- you've probably done two or three. Don't justify your reasoning. It doesn't change the fact that you are wrong. Don't preach service before self and complete love of country and then do all things possible to avoid paying government taxes by hiding wages- yours or anyone else. Sure, your service before self sounds good- but while you are pointing fingers at everyone else faults, you are still very wrong yourself. Judging others is a waste of time. Worry about how to be the best possible you you can be.

6. Finally, check your nuts! I mean if you are baking and baking with nuts- check them. Make sure they aren't rancid. That is surely a good way to ruin a perfectly delicious baked good.

Hope you all had a Merry Christmas and I pray that 2013 will bring nothing but joy and happiness to your life. God bless you!

Monday, December 24, 2012

The French Whisk, Ready To Serve You!

Yuba-Sutter, we are ready to serve you! Merry Christmas and have a blessed 2013!!

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Writer's Block

It has been several days since my last post. Did you think I had writer's block? Just that busy time of year for the restaurant and catering business. I do have lots of experiences to share, but all are much too fresh to even begin to tell the stories, happenings, and events without most in my community knowing exactly who I am speaking of- even if I do change the names to protect the not so innocent.

Please just remember as you go through this precious of times, the Christmas season, to remember the employees in stores and restaurants are there because they have a servant's heart. Some- yes, better than others, but they are not servants. There is a difference. They are exhausted, have put up with horrible customers, and are being pushed to their limits by their employers. You might be that one person in their day (or night) that makes them feel appreciated.

I get it... not all employees are amazing and not all create the "experience", but I firmly believe most want to if given the chance. This is the season to be jolly! So, Fa La La La all around the stores and restaurants you frequent this season and spread a little cheer and a little of the spirit of what this season is about. And I PROMISE, after this season is over and we've long forgotten specific events, I will share some unbelievably unfortunate and funny experiences we've had over this season. But I will still have to change the names to protect the not so innocent. I'm thankful I do not have writer's block.