With Thanksgiving tomorrow, I'm wondering how many households will dish up the wonderfully delicious bowl of chilled, sweet, tender Shrimp with tangy Cocktail Sauce using a splash of horseradish for that little extra kick, of course!?
Shrimp is so simple, yet succulent and always seems so fancy... Unless! Unless one tries to get creative and butterflies in just the wrong location. Then the shrimp revolts, and curls up in a bizarre way that will surely embarrass your guests and quite possibly you. Lets hope if this happens to you, you are serving dinner for an adult supper club. Lets hope this does not end up on grannies plate or that of one of your customers or clients or their guests.
Well, this one did- and YES! I had the ultimate OH MY GOD! moment... I photographed it for a few reasons- I knew there would be one day that I would actually find it funny after I washed the egg off of my face. Secondly, this is one of those stories that hard to describe without seeing how it really turned out. And thirdly, I didn't know if I would need evidence of the innocence of it all in a court of law if the older woman that got this plate was going to sue from having a heart attack because of XXX rated food. (I am only kidding about being sued, but she was embarrassed and didn't find the same humor in it that I did!)
Our kitchen staff had a lesson that day in how to or how not to butterfly shrimp and when the appropriate time to butterfly shrimp is. It is not for a bowl of pasta, that is for sure! The wonderful thing about being in the kitchen is that there are so many unexpected, unplanned moments that are truly belly rumbling funny if one would just Chill Out! And realize that it is just a little piece of shrimp...
Have a blessed Thanksgiving! God bless you and yours!
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