Saturday, June 14, 2014


It has been one year and five months since my last blog post. How I have missed it. Putting my thoughts down on paper and sharing them with you. After taking a big personal/business blow in December 2012, I needed healing- emotional and physical healing. With the healing came a time for re-invention which took me back to where I almost started.

Leaving high-school, I skipped an opportunity for a scholarship to a fashion merchandising school for the love of my life, so I thought. This hasn't been the only time in my life I've had to start over. It seems to be a reoccurring theme of my life, each time seems to be easier and easier. I've done everything from working at a car dealership, muffler shop, cosmetics company, emergency department, police department, coffee company, and cookie store. I've opened my own businesses and ran major companies... each time I learn something new and add a different layer of skills and knowledge.

Sizing it all up, I wouldn't change a thing. The ride has been wild, made me sick at times, and been more thrilling than I could imagine. I've been able to maneuver my own way and very seldom had to punch a time clock. For that, I am eternally grateful! Now, I stand firmly planted with clothes hangers in my hand, surrounded by beautiful dresses and evening gowns, handbags, and jewelry. I get to cook when I want to and bake for pleasure. Life seems to be pretty perfect and looking back, always was. Even if I get in my own way. I look forward to this next chapter. I can't wait to see how it fits!

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